An indoor environment includes central air conditioning, TEN rooms including six bedrooms and four bathrooms and fireplace. Search Home Disclosure for real estate property records on Lilyview Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757. The hefty two-story single-family property is situated at 5666 Lilyview Way, Elk Grove, CA. The estate's data shows the names of 2 recent tenants. Bedrooms: 5Bathrooms: 3Lot: 6,300 square feet.

The single-family home stands at 5686 Lilyview Way, Elk Grove, CA. Address history shows the names of two recent residents. In addition, the property is equipped with a garage.
5686 Lilyview Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757 Zillow Find an agent Sell it yourself Reach the largest audience of shoppers with a free For Sale by Owner listing on Zillow. Based on Redfin's Elk Grove data, we estimate the home's value is 793,786. This home is currently off market - it last sold on Novemfor 520,000. View detailed home and neighborhood info - including home values, crime rates, school ratings, environmental hazards and more - for any property in Sacramento County, CA. 5686 Lilyview Way is a 2,578 square foot house on a 6,300 square foot lot with 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.

5686 Lilyview Way, Elk Grove, CA 95757 Est.
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Begin your property search by selecting an address below. 5686 lilyview way free Begin your property search by.